- General
Documents - General
Public - Businesses
- New
Development - Construction
General Documents
Sacramento's Municipal Stormwater Permit
2009 Approved Stormwater Quality Improvement Plan (SQIP):
- Main Document (17MB)
- Appendices
- Introduction
- Joint Program
- Sacramento County (22MB)
- Sacramento City (11MB)
- Citrus Heights
- Elk Grove
- Folsom (21MB)
- Galt
- Rancho Cordova
Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership
Regional End-Term Report, 2019-2021:
*numbers in parentheses represent file size in number of Mb for those files over 10Mb
Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership Mid-Term Report, 2016-2019
Table of Contents
- Main Document
- Introduction
- Commercial & Industrial - Inventory Count
- Commercial & Industrial - Delisted Facilities
- Commercial & Industrial - Inspector Training Logs
- Commercial & Industrial - Stormwater Violations June 2019
- Public Outreach - Creek Week Brochure
- Public Outreach - Rescape Workshops
- Public Outreach - Public Opinion Surveys
Monitoring & Target Pollutant Appendices :
- Sacramento County Approval - Phase 1
- Sac Stormwater Quality Assurance Project Plan
- Chemistry Results
- RMP End of Year Results
- DMR AMR (Appendix A-F)
- DMR AMR (Appendix G) (13MB)
- Cumulative Data Report
- 2016-2017 CASQA Annual Report & Effectiveness Assessment (11MB)
- 2017-2018 CASQA Annual Report & Effectiveness Assessment
- 2018-2019 CASQA Annual Report & Effectiveness Assessment
*numbers in parentheses represent file size in number of Mb for those files over 10Mb
Brochures for the General Public
- Educational Infographics
- Stormwater Pollutants and Actions (PDF)
- Actions For Clean Water
- Common Stormwater Pollutants
- You are the solution… (English)
- You are the solution… (Spanish)
- You are the solution… (Russian)
- You are the solution… (Hmong)
- Painting Without Polluting (English)
- Painting Without Polluting (Spanish)
- Painting Without Polluting (Russian)
- Keep Pools and Spas from Polluting Our Local Creeks and Rivers (English)
- Preserving Creeks Today for Tomorrow—A Guide to Caring for Waterways
- Some Jeepers Are Keepers Brochure (English)
- No Todo Los Insectos Son Plagas Brochure (Spanish)
- Preserving Creeks Today for Tomorrow (English)
Brochures for Businesses
- General Guidelines for Stormwater Compliance
- Stormwater Compliance for Auto Body Repair and Painting
- Stormwater Compliance for Auto Repair and Maintenance
- Stormwater Compliance for Commercial Auto Washing and Detailing Businesses
- Stormwater Compliance for Restaurants and Food Handling Facilities
- Concrete and Creeks Don't Mix
- Painting Without Polluting
- Landscaping Stormwater Pollution Prevention Guidelines (English)
- Disposal of Carpet Cleaning Wastewater (English)
- BMPs for Pressure Washing and Surface Cleaning
- Sustainable Practices for Landscaping (River-Friendly Landscaping Guidelines)
- Brochure Pressure Washing and Surface Cleaning Wastewater