Some Jeepers are Keepers
Learn about Beneficial bugs and plants for your yard
Many bugs in your garden are beneficial. Good bugs are ones that provide benefits that people want like pest control, pollination, esthetics (butterflies). Be sure you are not harming or getting rid of the beneficial bugs. Avoiding the use of insecticides is especially important for protecting beneficial bugs.
Begin attracting beneficial bugs by selecting the right type of plants for yard or garden. First identify your goal and the type of bug you’d like to attract. Then review the options below for the right plant for your home.
Remember, some jeepers are keepers! Check out these guides to healthy and natural Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in English and in Spanish.
Here's a list of just some of the bugs and plants that are good for your garden. Click any to see how they benefit your garden!
Green Lacewing
Ground Beetle
Parasitic Wasp
Praying Mantis
Soldier Beetle
Syrphid Fly
Beneficial for pollination
Dragonflies feed on mosquitos, gnats, flies, termites and ants
Green Lacewing
Lacewing larvae prey on aphids, leafhoppers, mites,psyllids, whiteflies and the eggs of insects. They help control many insect pests that attach fruits and vegetables
Ground Beetle
Ground beetles feed on cabbage worms, corn earworms, cutworms, potato beetles, asparagus beetles slugs, and weed seeds
Adult ladybugs and their larvae rid your garden of aphids
Spiders trap and feed on roaches, earwigs, mosquitos, flies, moths, and other spiders and insects
Parasitic Wasp
Depending on the species of parasitic wasp, they help rid your garden of aphids, beetles and worms
Praying Mantis
Adult praying mantises and their larvae are completely harmless to plants and feed on aphids, beetles, moths, flies, crickets, and other insects.
Soldier Beetle
Soldier Beetle adults and their larvae prey on other beetles that are garden pests such as cucumber beetles as well as corn rootworms, aphids, grasshopper eggs, caterpillars and beetle larvae.
Syrphid Fly
Syrphid flies prey on aphids, young cabbage worms, and mealybugs
Here is a list of plants that attract good bugs:
California Lilac
The buckwheat plant attracts flies, parasitic wasps, lacewings and ladybugs.
California Lilac
The California Lilac plant attracts parasitic wasps and bees.
Daisies attract butterflies, bees, lacewings, and syrphid flies.
The herb, dill attracts syrphid flies, lacewings, and parasitic wasps.
The goldenrod plant attracts soldier beetles and parasitic wasps
The marigold plant attracts syrphid flies, ladybugs and parasitic wasps
The herb parsley attracts syrphid flies, and parasitic wasps
The herb mint attracts syrphid flies, parasitic wasps and bees
Sunflowers attract bees, butterflies, ladybugs, syrphid flies and parasitic wasps
The yarrow plant attract butterflies, bees, ladybugs, flies, and parasitic wasps
For more information about beneficial bugs or pest control visit our partners :
Our Water Our World
Tips for Do-It-Yourselfers, and a list of local stores that provide less toxic pest control products.
UC IPM Statewide Integrated
Pest Management Program
Check out this website to learn about alternative solutions that reduce pests in and around the home.