Proprietary Stormwater Quality Treatment Devices
Accepted Devices
The following proprietary stormwater quality treatment devices are currently accepted for use in Sacramento County:
• Jensen Precast StormVault®
• Contech Engineered Solutions Stormfilter® (hydraulic loading rate=2gpm/sf media surface area)
• Filterra® Bioretention System (percolation rate = 50 in/hr)
Devices seeking approval for use in the Sacramento area have to follow the revised Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership (Partnership) Protocol for approval of Proprietary Devices, 2014 (Sacramento Protocol).
Manufacturers are invited to submit data for review and approval by the Partnership. Proposals shall be submitted to Fernando Duenas at and Archie Wright at Proposals will be accepted between April 1st through May 1st of each year, with reviews to be completed by June 30th.
In addition to devices accepted using the Sacramento Protocol, the Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership (Partnership) will consider accepting technologies with the Washington State Department of Ecology’s General Use Level Designation for Basic (TSS) Treatment on a case by case basis. Refer to Ecology’s Evaluation of Emerging Stormwater Treatment Technologies for more information on their technology evaluation program and protocols- TAPE (Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology).
In November 1999, the Partnership published the report “Investigation of Structural Control Measures for New Development”. The report documents the protocol that must be followed in order for a particular device to be accepted for use in the Sacramento area. The protocol has since been revised to reflect the evolving nature of this industry. Please refer to the revised 2014 Sacramento Protocol for more details.
Pilot Study Monitoring Requirements
In select cases, the local permitting agency may allow the use of alternative (non-approved) proprietary treatment measures as a “pilot study.” In such cases, the property owner and/or manufacturer will be required to fund and complete a monitoring study to verify the device’s performance. Since approval is not guaranteed, site designers proposing to use an alternative technique should coordinate with the permitting agency early in the site design process.
Improvement Plans Submittal Requirements
Site designers proposing to use proprietary stormwater quality treatment devices shall include the following items in the submittal and on the improvement plans (drawings to scale):
• Acknowledgement from manufacturer that their device will be used in a
pilot study.
• Sizing calculations
• Plan view of device & appurtenances on the civil site plans
• Section view of device & appurtenances in reference to other utilities
• Detail drawings of device & appurtenances
• Specifications and installation notes.
Currently, the City & County of Sacramento do not allow proprietary stormwater quality treatment devices to be installed in the public right-of-way or in areas where the local agency would be required to conduct maintenance. Other local agencies may or may not allow this; check with your permitting agency for verification.
Maintenance Agreements are required to ensure proper maintenance of the selected stormwater quality treatment device.