We Need Your Help!
Because most water pollution comes from residents, you are the most important solution to stormwater pollution. Below are some ways you can help prevent stormwater pollution and improve our community.
In Your Home
- Use household products that are eco-friendly or less toxic to the environment. Check out the Our Water Our World website for more info!
- When using chemicals, detergents and pesticides, use only the amount recommended by the manufacturer and use them according to the directions.
- Find the nearest household hazardous waste center to dispose of hazardous waste.
- Sweep sidewalks and patios rather than hosing debris which can end up in gutters.
- Never rinse brushes or cans containing oil-based paint in the street. Paint brushes should be rinsed in the sink. Water-based paint cans should be dried out then put in the garbage bin.
- Avoid buying oil-based paints whenever possible. If you do buy them, dry them out and either throw them in the trash or bring to a household hazardous waste facility or a recycling center.
- If you have a pet, make sure to scoop their poop, bag it up, and toss it in the trash can! Bring pet waste bags for walks.
In Your Garden
- Avoid using pesticides or herbicides on your yard and garden whenever possible. Check out the pest control page for more information.
- Apply all garden products sparingly and be sure to follow label directions carefully. Use eco-friendly methods or purchase garden products that are less toxic or non-toxic to the environment. Check out our eco-friendly landscape page for more information.
- Rinse empty lawn and garden chemicals containers three times before throwing them away. Each time, pour the rinse water into the applicator and use it in the application of the product.
- Check with your local hazardous waste center to see if they will accept unused or left over garden chemicals.
- Do not over-water lawns and gardens. Over-watering can flush large quantities of pesticides and fertilizer directly into storm drains.
- Use eco-friendly landscaping practices to manage your yard while conserving water and protecting water quality or find a qualified Rescape
- Sweep sidewalks and patios rather than hosing debris which can end up in gutters.
- Clean up after your pets! Rain or outdoor water can carry the bacteria from pet waste into local storm drains which flows to creeks and rivers.
- Use a yard waste bin for green waste.
- Do not apply yard chemicals when rain is forecasted in the near future.
- For more tips on landscaping or gardening including pest solutions, visit the eco-friendly landscape page.
Automotive Care
- Have your car tuned-up regularly to make sure it is operating as clean as possible with no leaks of oil or other fluids.
- Clean up leaks right away by using kitty litter to soak it up. Then sweep it into a bag, tie it up and place it in the garbage bin.
- Find a location near you to recycle motor oil, antifreeze and other automotive fluids.
- For guidance on auto repair or body shops, go to our business page.
In Your Community
- Pick up and properly disposing of trash you see on the street or sidewalk.
- Get involved in community trash clean ups like Creek Week or host your own clean up event with family, friends, and neighbors!
- Reduce automobile use by car-pooling, riding the bus, riding your bike or walking.
- Wash your car at commercial car washes that recycle their wash water.
- Support businesses in your community who offer or use eco-friendly services and practice pollution prevention.
- Encourage others to reduce, reuse and recycle whenever they can.
- When walking your dog, take a plastic bag and properly dispose of pet waste.
Grant Opportunities
- Do you have a water quality related project that needs funding? The County and City of Sacramento provide community action grants to support projects that protect, restore, or enhance local waterways. Please visit the following websites for more information: