Sacramento Picks It Up – Davis and SPIU Road 32A Beautification, Day 1

03/25/2023 09:00 - 12:00

Location: Landing area for road 32A on East Loop End
Time: 9 a.m. — 12 p.m.
Difficulty Level: 1 – 2


For the state-wide Clean California Community Days, Davis Picks It Up, Sacramento Picks it Up & Yolo County are partnering to clean up Co Rd 32A.
We will meet in the landing area on 32A east loop end. We will split up into small groups & clean west toward Mace Blvd in Davis. Close parking is limited but extended parking is within walking distance. Watch for signs.
Please wear long pants, sturdy shoes & sunscreen. Surfaces are mostly level with some gravel & slopes. Safety vests are mandatory & will be provided.
Please bring a litter grabber tool & bucket. We will have some to loan out. Restrooms are NOT readily available – plan ahead. MUST BE 13 OR OLDER with an adult.
Yolo County will have a few of their crew to monitor & direct traffic for our safety.
“Yolo county roads are victims of litter & illegal dumping! Davis Picks It Up, Sacramento Picks It Up & Yolo County want to make a positive change! Join us to make our county roads reflect the beauty of our community!” The more volunteers, the more roadside we can clean up. Please plan to join us in this effort.

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