River City Waterway Alliance – Arcade Creek at Stock Ranch Nature Preserve

We will be returning to Arcade Creek at Stock Ranch Nature Preserve & Van Maren Park, an area last visited in the beginning of January by the wonderful steward of this area Lilia Hogan.
There will be water in the creek, some small pools as well as deeper sections, so both boots and waders will be useful. It will be medium to difficult cleanup within the creek channel for those who want a challenge. Lots of easy trash pickins’ found along the top bank for those who prefer a less strenuous cleanup. Once the piles are made, we will haul everything to the dumpster provided by Republic Services (thank you!).
We will park along Stockton Ranch Road, near Aspen Gardens Way and walking to the creek. Please park on the Park side of the road, where street parking is allowed.
All minors will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian during the cleanup and waivers will need to be signed if you have not volunteered with us before.
As with all events shared on our Page, participation is performed solely at your own risk. Please place safety FIRST and do only what you feel comfortable doing. Moreover, participants will be required to sign a Release and Waiver form if they have not done so previously.
Thank you to Republic Services for coordinating with us and providing a dumpster to use! We appreciate your support and assistance.
Overall, be safe, have fun and get some “Exercise with a Purpose”!, as Bill Templin says. Thank you! 💚
Arcade Creek Adopt-A-Creek Project
River City Waterway Alliance

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