River City Waterway Alliance is co-hosting with Soil Born Farms to help get this beautiful creek clean from litter and debris lining banks and surrounding areas.
This area is flat and grassy, but will be muddy from the recent rains. The banks of the creek are low and shallow, making this an easy access cleanup for most folks. We will need folks in the water so please bring along your waders if you got ’em. If not, there will be plenty of other trash to tackle.
Please park and meet at the Soil Born Farms parking lot where we will gather and have our pre-cleanup meeting.
We will provide bags, but please bring along your sturdy footwear, grabbers, buckets, and gloves – a limited number of loaner buckets and grabbers may be available. There might be water in some sections of the cleanup area. Participants will be required to wear rain boots or waders if they intend to get into the water. Entry into any waters is always optional.
As with all events shared on RCWA, participation is performed solely at your own risk. Please place safety FIRST and do only what you feel comfortable doing. Moreover, participants will be required to sign a Release and Waiver form if they have not done so previously.
Overall, be safe, have fun and get some “Exercise with a Purpose”!
Thank you!

River City Waterway Alliance
“Restoring & Protecting Our Waterways”
“Restoring & Protecting Our Waterways”
Instagram @RiverCityWaterwayAlliance
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Soil Born Farms
Cordova Creek Restoration