It is always fun exploring new areas. Waterton Way is just a short way upstream from the Watt Ave river access. (From U.S. Highway 50, take the Watt Ave. North exit. Then make an immediate right onto the La Riviera Way off-ramp. From there, make a right down La Riviera Drive, then a left on Waterton Way. Turn into the parking lot for the access.).
We will be cleaning several abandoned illegal camps right on the river’s edge. The camps are accessible via a steep slippery trail. The camps are on flat ground once we reach them. Trash will probably be hauled up the bank by ropes. This is a beautiful section of the river with abundant wildlife.
Please come out and help with this project. We will provide bags, but please bring along your sturdy footwear, grabbers, buckets, gloves, and hats – a limited number of loaner buckets and grabbers may be available. Entry into the water is always optional.
As with all events shared on RCWA, participation is performed solely at your own risk. Please place safety FIRST and do only what you feel comfortable doing. Moreover, participants will be required to sign a Release and Waiver form if they have not done so previously.
This cleanup is being made possible by a Watershed Stewardship and Education Grant awarded by the Sacramento County Stormwater Quality Program. We would like to sincerely thank the County for funds needed to keep our volunteers properly equipped.
Overall, be safe, have fun, and get some “Exercise with a Purpose” as Bill Templin always says!