Please come join the fun while helping clean along a beautiful stretch of the Sacramento River. This will be the 3rd Annual cleanup coordinated by David Ingram and the Garden Highway Community Association.
Over the summer, trash and debris has accumulated along the waterline and upper flood plain and we plan to remove it before the river rises and flushes it downstream. Right now, the river is at its lowest level since October 2022, making conditions optimal for this cleanup.
We will start at the intersection of Garden Highway and Elverta Road, then make our way upriver. The last 2 years we’ve enjoyed exceptional participation which enabled us to cover an entire mile of river. We hope this year’s cleanup will accomplish the same feat!
The event will range in difficulty from easy to hard and is suitable for children 12 years and older as long as they are closely supervised by an adult. The banks could be slippery and there is an abundance of poison oak in areas – both easily avoidable if you choose.
RCWA will provide bags, but please bring along your sturdy footwear, grabbers, buckets, and gloves – a limited number of loaner buckets and grabbers may be available.
As with all events shared on our Page, participation is performed solely at your own risk. Please place safety FIRST and do only what you feel comfortable doing. Moreover, participants will be required to sign a Release and Waiver form if they have not done so previously.
Overall, be safe, have fun and get some “Exercise with a Purpose”!, as Bill Templin says. Thank you! 

River City Waterway Alliance