Discovery Park may still be closed, so we will meet at the Jibboom Street entrance before 9am. The gate will be closed behind us. Please be on time and plan to stay for the entire 3 hours. Watch here for updates.
We will drive along the bike trail and park near the old Urrutia Bridge. The bridge was removed last year and there is plenty trash nearby on the south side of Steelhead Creek. This could be a challenging cleanup for those willing to climb the bank and bramble. But like always, there is plenty easy trash too. Please come out and help
RCWA will provide bags, but please bring along your sturdy footwear, grabbers, buckets, and gloves – a limited number of loaner buckets and grabbers may be available.
As with all events shared on RCWA, participation is performed solely at your own risk. Please place safety FIRST and do only what you feel comfortable doing. Moreover, participants will be required to sign a Release and Waiver form if they have not done so previously.
Overall, be safe, have fun and get some “Exercise with a Purpose”!
Thank you!

River City Waterway Alliance
“Restoring & Protecting Our Waterways”
“Restoring & Protecting Our Waterways”
Instagram @RiverCityWaterwayAlliance
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