California’s largest 3-day show of its kind returns to Cal Expo February 2-4, 2024!
12:00 PM – Fruit Trees, from Bareroot Babies to Decades of Abundance
Presenter: Julie Barbour, Our Water Our World Program Educator
1:00 PM – Landscapes Without Limitations – Big Ideas for Small Spaces
Presenter: Michael Glassman, Landscape Designer and Author
2:00 PM – The 4 P’s Impacting Bee Health: Pests, Pathogens, Pesticides and Pasture – What we can do to support bee health supports our health
Presenter: Wendy Mather, California Master Beekeeper Program Co-Manager, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of California at Davis
3:00 PM – Whole House Batteries and Storage, What are the Benefits and How Do They Compare with Generators
Presenter: Bill Horbaly, Connected Technology