Join several 6th/7th graders enrolled in Sacramento Splash’s Youth Environmental Leadership Camp clean this swath of the American River in the Woodlake area as part of their requisite volunteer activity involvement!
This is the second in a series of YELC volunteer opportunities for the campers and is open to SPIU volunteers and the general public, so grab a friend and come on out to clear trash from the trails!
More on YELC here:…/youth-environmental-leadership…/
Bring gloves, buckets and grabbers, though we’ll have some grabbers to loan. Bring water!
We’ll meet in the parking lot at 1767 Tribute Road to park and have a pre-cleanup/safety chat before heading up the trailhead to clear trash from the levee & bike path to an abandoned encampment, plus freeway trash!
We’ll cover proper handling of sharps (if any are found, though we did not see any in our reconnaissance of the area) and cover how to create a 311 report to alert County services for trash pickup.
We’ll be making a relatively short walk up and down the levee on both paved and dirt trails, and some uneven ground.
Volunteer activities are performed at your own risk, as always.
Safety is always first!
County waivers will be provided.